Bob Simonson, started his professional baseball career when he was drafted by the Brewers in the 2nd round in 1984. He went on to a have a successful 9 year career playing professional ball. In 1986, Bob had his best professional season hitting 27 home runs (3rd in the league) and racking up 95 RBIs (4th in the league).
9yrs of pro ball
20yrs of teaching proper hitting techniques
1000s of young athletes with a high percentage having opportunities to play at higher levels as a result of their success in hitting.
Guaranteed Results
“The way I have improved is my batting, working with batting coach [Bob Simonson] for five years and since then improved with more hits and more home runs,” she said. “I used to be terrible at hitting. I always had fast hands, but I just didn’t have them the right way. Now I’m trained to get them to go forward, and now I’m getting a lot of backspin on the ball, and that has really helped.” - Dayoni Mahlich